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What is Ask the Hair Doc About?

Ask The Hair Doc started as a segment for the hair care group, Curly Centric Jamaica. The science of hair, hair care, scalp diseases and their treatment were often discussed. It became evident that there was need  for  a site  to discuss all aspects  of scalp and hair issues. This site  aims to demystify all these topics for the general public. Be sure to check out the blog as well as the accompanying Facebook, Google +, Instagram and Twitter pages. Advice given should not be used as an alternative to a consultation with a doctor.


Who is The Hair Doc?

Dr. Llorenia Muir-Green is a practising dermatologist in Jamaica.  She graduated from the University of the West Indies, first obtaining a double major in Chemistry and Biochemistry. She then went on to pursue a career in Medicine. Having obtained her Medical degree from the UWI, she went on to pursue postgraduate specialisation in Clinical Dermatology at Cardiff University, for which she got distinction. In 2013, she underwent a one-year Fellowship training in Hair and Scalp Disorders at the University of British Columbia, under the tutelage of renowned Dermatologist and Hair Disorder specialist, Dr. Jerry Shapiro.  She is the current President of the Dermatology Association of Jamaica, a member of the Caribbean Dermatology Association,  a member of the North American Hair Research Society, as well as the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery. She currently works at the Dermatology Clinic at Cornwall Regional Hospital where she recently established a once monthly Hair and Scalp Disorder Clinic. She also conducts a once monthly Hair Disorder clinic at National Chest Hospital in Kingston.

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