So Doc, Do you look at hair?

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You’d be surprised how many times I’m asked this on a monthly basis. For some reason, persons don’t associate dermatology with hair and nails. Because of this, a lot of individuals present very late to a dermatologist, when experiencing hair loss or any scalp problem that by then very little can be done.  Hair and nails are outgrowths of skin, and as such, the dermatologist is the doctor responsible for their disorders. This month, I will be discussing the characteristics and properties of hair.

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So why Ask the Hair Doc?

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Many persons admit to struggling with some aspect of their hair. Whether it is not growing fast enough or they’re having significant hair loss, hair can be a major stressor. So much of our self image is tied with our hair, that hair care is a major billion dollar industry. Interestingly, a lot of persons don’t tell their doctors about their hair woes until it is way too late. In fact, in an average clinic, you’d  be surprised to find the number of persons who don’t know that dermatologists are the doctors responsible for hair and nail issues. There is so much information on the web on hair care and hair loss that it can be overwhelming. That’s where Ask the Hair Doc comes in. All aspects of hair, hair care, hair loss will  be discussed. Write in your questions and see if yours will be answered.

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